Saturday, June 12, 2010


Whoa!!!! that's what i said to myself when i saw the MV . She spoke with a german(or was it russian) accent .and the dancers.this was the first time my eyes saw something really really ughh.....The first thing the MV shows you is a man sitting wearing a net pants. ughhh........... and to top that.his hair was......i don't want to say it! it was horrible,the dancers' attires i mean . but lady gaga is still hot as ever .with that sexy lips of hers!!! The marching number was good i supposed not bad nor awesome but good,just good .

Lady gaga's attire was still cool as ever.but the one attire that i really like was the nun outfit.yes it did sparked controversy but i don't care about that. the outfit for me was damn and white was the colour.

The choreography was G.R.E.A.T !! but the dancers kinda ruined it for me.

in conclusion : the MV was weird , I L.O.V.E the song and lady gaga's outfit , i'm not fond of the dancers in the MV.

go check it out on youtube everyone!!

Friday, June 11, 2010


I LOVE this composer so much.y'know he composed many music from many games,i think the most notable game he composed for is final topic: many good music in there like aria di mezzo carattere : ,to zanarkand.

on topic : for me although he works for a corperation he surpass many composers.those composers that are already dead and also composers who are still alive . The black mages is is band .they play remixed music from final fantasy and made it into progressive metal(i think) .it's really cool but they did fucked up the song 'the extreme' go check it out ! the only composer who i think can match with him is shoji meguro . so go check this composer's music everyone! his music is somehow is very inspiring ,and of course my favourite is to zanarkand.

okay : name the type of music you like and why .

GAHH!!!,what is up with boys wearing shorten tight pants/trousers whatever!!!

okay first of all ,it's nice to see gals wear them but on boys ugh.....not all boys of course but what the hell are fatties wearing them???!!! it's like showing your ass of to the world and those pants are screaming " OMG,put me out of my misery!!!!!i can't stand it draping myself over this ham," seriously do not wear them guys unless your legs don't have curly hair then you could wear it.i mean look at it seriouslt,it's like a ham wrapped with a piece of string.evertime i see guys wearing that i just want to scream out loud " HEY,that pants makes your ass look huge like big momma's!!,"
seriously guys,stick with jeans!!!!!

the bottomline is ,shorten pants sucks on guys,it's like burning my looks nice on some guys and looks hot on hot gals.